Counting Sheep – 9.5

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Something close to twenty minutes passed, with only a few gestured words passing between us.

I hugged Lillian.  My shirt was off, a blanket draped over my shoulders.  She was sitting with her knees to her chest, and I sat behind her, my legs encircling her butt, chest against her back, cheek against her shoulder, arms around her.  For a few minutes now, she’d been holding one of my hands, intense, like she was afraid she was going to fall off a ledge or something.  Her other hand clutched at the blanket, inadvertently or intentionally pulling me closer.

“I think we’re probably okay to talk,” Jamie ventured.

“I’ve been thinking that for about five minutes now,” I said.  “But I don’t know what to say.  Looks like you’re dying, Gordon?  Sorry, bud?”

Lillian drove an elbow back in my direction.

“You look pretty bad too, bud.” Gordon said.  There was no strength in his words.  He managed a smile.

“I have to say,” Jamie said, “It feels like Sy has some unconscious compulsion that drives him to get as cold and wet as humanly possible.”

“The Richmond twins were out of sync only once, and that’s when the little one was sniffing at the air, the other one sticking its tongue out,” I said.  “Why not act in sync?  I figured it would be letting their guard down, to stretch their tongues at the same time.  Why?  Senses.”

“My point is, the natural conclusion for you is, obviously, get cold and wet.”

“Mislead with the scent trail.”

“S’cause Sy’s wet behind the ears,” Gordon said, sounding slightly out of it.

“Huh?” I asked.  My heart leaped a little, seeing him maybe acting delirious.  ‘Wet behind the ears’ wasn’t anything that explained me.  I had experience.  I’d been doing this for too long.

“Water, Sy.  Liquid brain?  He’s like water, y’know?  Fluid, adaptable, but doesn’t hold.  Conforms to the surroundings, or the container he’s in.”

Lillian jerked like she’d been stung, squeezing my hand.  It took me a second to realize it was a sudden sob, soundless.  I squeezed her hand back, and hugged her harder around the ribs for extra measure.

“Affinity for water, huh?” I asked.  “That’s damn poetic.”

“Sure,” Gordon said.  He gave me a wan smile.

“What’s Jamie?”

“Stone.  Eternal, lasting, reliable.  Words etched into tablets…”

“Stone isn’t eternal,” Jamie said.  He was sitting a little further away, and his voice sounded eerie.  “Stone cracks.  It wears down.”

“Yeah,” Gordon said.  “I started thinking about this stuff a long while back, idle thought.  It’s not important or anything.”

“And Mary?”  I asked.

“Steel,” Gordon said.  “Don’t think I need to explain that one.”

“That’s cheating,” I said, hugging Lillian harder.  “I thought you were doing the classical elements.  Earth, air, fire, water.”

“She was a late arrival.  I think they incorporate metal into the traditional elements, out East?”

“Yeah,” Jamie said.

“Helen, then?” I asked.

“Ah,” he said.

He lifted his hands up, taking care to do it, and pretended to strangle himself.

“Air,” I said.

“Kind of a stretch,” he said, letting his hands fall down and out to the side.

Lillian broke away from my hug a bit to lean forward, and move Gordon’s hands to his side, before moving a blanket over them, so they were covered and warm.  She settled back into my grip.

“And fire,” I said.

“I really thought I’d do more before this particular fire burned out,” he said.  His eyes were fixed on the ceiling.

“You’re doing well enough,” I said.  Present tense.

“Nah,” he said.  His voice had taken on a strange quality.  “Nah.  I feel like I was just finding my stride.  I had the aptitude, I was picking up the skills, but was still too young.  If I’d been able to make it a few more years, get to seventeen or eighteen, even twenty, I could’ve kicked proper ass.”

“You kicked ass as part of the Lambs,” I told him.  I belatedly realized I’d switched to past tense.

“Sure.  But doesn’t help that feeling, like I was given wings but never got to fly.”

The regret in his voice was hard to listen to.  I couldn’t find a response.  Things got quiet, but for the low crackle of the fire.

“The immortal formula that Emily got.  A transfusion-”

“No, Sy,” Gordon said.

I nodded.

“If we got a heart from a primordial-”

“No, Sy.  Even if it was guaranteed to work, I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

“Yeah,” I said.  “But we’ve taken some bad ideas a ridiculously long way, haven’t we?”

“We have,” Gordon said.  “I’m going to use that to gracefully change the topic.  The situation out there.  Mauer, and you mentioned the twins?  Nobles?”  Gordon asked.

“We don’t have to talk about the mission,” Jamie said.

“We can talk about whatever I goddamn want to talk about,” Gordon said.

“It’s bad,” I said.  “Nobles want to finish us off.  Maybe to hurt the Duke, maybe because the Duke told them to.  Mauer wants to finish us off because we set him on fire.  Guns, fire, and experiments are looking to wipe anyone and everyone out, and I don’t feel confident that the primordials are handled.”

“They got Drake’s?”

“No,” I said.  “They got four of Old Harding’s, though.”

Lillian squeezed my hand again.

Gordon seemed to take the news in a very easy, casual way, as if it didn’t surprise him.  “Sorry.”

“Didn’t get that far, huh?” I asked.

He shook his head slowly.

“Gordon collapsed, and we went to find a hiding place,” Lillian said.  I could feel the vibrations of her voice moving through her back and into my chest.  “He wanted me to leave him, but that would’ve meant that he’d die alone, and I didn’t know exactly where to go or how to handle anything if I even got that far.  I was scared I’d run into Mauer.  I was… scared in general.”

“It’s better that you stayed,” I said.  “Way things looked, you would’ve been caught between Harding’s group and Mauer’s.  I think he brought just about everyone with him to Harding’s.  Since his lieutenant whatshisname-”


“Thank you, Jamie, Stanley would’ve known how far along Harding was, and that Harding was the better bet.  Like I said, it’s better that you stayed.”

“If you say so,” Lillian said.

“I say so,” I said.  “It’s bad out there.  If we had every single Lamb here, I’m not so sure we’d be able to crack this thing.  As is…”

My voice trailed off.

“You sound different, Sy,” Gordon said.  “What happened to your eye?”

“Aren’t we supposed to be focusing on you?

“I’m not going to drop dead this very minute,” he said.  Then he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and I thought he might really expire in that moment, making himself a liar.  His lips moved, “Your eye?”

I glanced at Jamie.  “Noble.  The Baron Richmond.”


“I didn’t tell Jamie outright, but I’m guessing he’s put the pieces together.  We can’t- I mean, there’s no way we’re going to get out of this okay if we don’t deal with the nobles.”

“Those three need to die,” Jamie said.  It wasn’t the words alone that surprised me.

“They really do,” I said.  “The upside is that I don’t think they’d be missed.  The downside is that I don’t have a clue how I’m going to do it.”

“We’re,” Jamie said.  “We’re going to do it.”

I nodded.

“I really thought we could show up, do an errand for Mr. and Mrs. Gage, and give my future career a little boost,” Lillian said.  “I didn’t expect to get caught up in war, I didn’t expect Sy to lose an eye.  I didn’t expect-”

She cut herself off.

“Going home with less Lambs than you started with?” Gordon asked.  “It’s okay.  You can talk about it.  I’ve been expecting it since before we lost the first Jamie.”

“I hate it,” Lillian said.

“Me too,” Gordon said.  “So much I just want to scream about it, get angry, but that would probably agitate my poor heart too much and tip me over the brink.  You’re not alone in feeling like that, okay, Lillian?”

Lillian nodded.

“What were we talking about?” Gordon asked.

“Nobles,” Jamie said.

“Sy.  Did you know?” Gordon asked.  “Moment we ran into the Duke in person, my first thought was that you were going to end up at odds with them?  With the nobility?”

“I can see that,” I said.

He nodded.  “I want in on this mission so badly.  I don’t even have the words.  I’ve known about my expiration date for a while now, even if I thought it was later.  I felt sort of at peace with it, until- until just earlier tonight, when I collapsed.”

None of the Lambs said anything.  We let him talk.

“It hit me all at once.  Boom.  Done.  Story unfinished.  Never get to really do what I was supposed to.  All I can do is hope that they pick my project up again, learn from it, and the next Griffon gets to last longer.  I’m so frustrated and angry and when you’re talking about going up against the nobles, even if it’s those three useless, unimportant bastards, I can’t help but want to hurt them for this.  I want in so damn bad.

“Your fault for going and dying on us right in the middle of a mission,” I said.

“Yeah,” he said.  “Yeah, I know.”

“It’s absolutely not your fault,” Lillian said, contradicting me.  She twisted around in my arms to shoot me an evil, warning look over her shoulder.

“Sure, Lillian,” Gordon said, like he was pacifying her.  I felt her squirm momentarily as she settled back into a more relaxed position.  She still had a deathgrip on my hand.

“Anything I can do?” I asked.  “A favor?”

“Sylvester, you motherfucker,” Gordon said, huffing out a laugh.  “You owe me so many favors at this point, I literally do not think I’m going to live long enough to name all the things you’d have to do for me to balance those scales.”

“Yeah,” I said.

“I, uh, really want my dog,” he said, staring up at the ceiling.  I wasn’t sure if his voice had cracked a little there.

“Hubris is coming back,” I said.


“I could go find him.”

“Nope.  You’d get lost or shot, he’d find his way back, and nope, doesn’t work.  You’re right.  He’s coming back.  I’m being stupid.”

“Whatever you think or do at this point is allowed, I think,” I said.  “Old people get away with slinging around things like ‘god bless’ without getting flack for it, same idea.”

“Okay Sy,” he said, in a way that suggested he was humoring me and not really listening.  “Listen, as favors go, do you think I could talk to each of you one on one for a bit?”

“Sure,” Lillian said.  Jamie and I nodded.  Gordon had to turn his head all the way to the left to catch my nod, then all the way right to catch Jamie’s.

“Then Lillian first, please,” he decided.

I extricated myself from the blanket and from Lillian, kissing the crown of her head as I stood and backed away, looking around the dim little house, finding the kitchen, more a room built against the side of the house than an actual part of it, and retreating there.

I fidgeted.  I really wanted to hit something, but I didn’t want to interrupt the conversation.  The part of me that wanted to do something was telling me to rummage in drawers and cabinets and find supplies I could turn to useful ends, but even that threatened to make too much noise.

Jamie had crossed from the other side of the little living room, and was a moment later in arriving in the kitchen.  He met my eye before leaning against the icebox, arms folded, eyes fixed on the floor.

“About the nobles,” I said.  “I’m sorry to put you at odds with them like that.”

He shook his head.

“You didn’t decide that course of action, and I know it’s an ugly one, with possible repercussions.”

“No, Sy,” he said.  “Like I said, they need to die.”

“I’m just surprised to hear you say it.”

“So am I,” he said.  “It’s… weird.  In my own head, I’m only, what, a year and a few months old?  I spent more than two thirds of that time with the Academy.  They ran the tests, they fed me the propaganda, they had ‘limited schedules’ where the doctors were available and had to cram a lot of stuff into one or two days, sometimes, and didn’t feed me or let me sleep enough, and they gave me more tests and more propaganda, when I was more vulnerable to being pushed or pulled, if you know what I mean.”

“I have an idea what you mean,” I said.  I kept my voice quieter, so our babble wouldn’t interrupt Gordon any.  “It’s why I’m- why I was wary of you.  Because I wasn’t sure if you were theirs or if you were ours, given the amount of time you’d spent with them.”

He nodded.  “His writings, they didn’t say anything about it.  I think when it was happening to him, he wasn’t even aware, or he didn’t know it was bad.  So he didn’t write it down.  There were other things to record.  Approaching you, I wasn’t sure if you remembered that far back, or what your feelings on it would be.”

I nodded.  I could hear Lillian crying in the other room.

She would probably cry through the entire sit-down with Gordon.  She was probably crying extra hard because she was upset at the fact that she was crying so much.  I smiled a little at the thought.  It wasn’t that I was happy she was sad, or that it was funny- it wasn’t.  But her feelings were so very real.  I was glad that she got to express them.

A few years from now, she would be happier looking back on the fact that she’d been able to feel as honestly as she did than to look back and be happy she kept it all bottled up and had a simple conversation with Gordon.

“What are your feelings, Sy?”

“What?” I asked, startled.  I wondered momentarily if Jamie had read my mind.

“About the way the Academy treated us when we were very young.  About what’s happening with Gordon.  The fact that those two things are linked, and that there’s a lot in between.”

It was so hard to speak with the lump in my throat.  “I’m more focused on the here and now than I am on the distant past.  The fighting, figuring out what to say to Gordon, if I should act like everything’s normal when it’s not, or highlight how not it is and be super serious or angry or cry or…”

I raised my hands, gesticulating, just barely restraining myself from extending the random gestures into violently hitting the side of the icebox or the wood-paneled wall.  “…Or something.”

I let my hands fall down to my sides.  I couldn’t will myself to put them into my pockets, so I clenched them at my sides.  I had tears in my eyes, and I knew that if I looked at Jamie now I would definitely see a glimmer of old Jamie and start outright weeping.

It was good that Lillian was having a good cry over something that was definitely worth crying about, but I couldn’t let myself do the same and I couldn’t begin to explain why I couldn’t.

“Okay, sorry, I’ll drop the subject,” Jamie said.

It was the second most surprising thing he’d said all night.  In every interaction since he’d shown up, he’d been so dogged in how he pushed my boundaries and pushed me.  I was so immensely grateful to him for going easy here that I almost couldn’t find words.

“Thanks,” I managed.


Lillian’s conversation with Gordon took another few minutes.  I could hear it die down, some brief shuffling, and then Lillian appeared in the kitchen.  She buried a very damp face in my shoulder, hugging me, and just as I put my arms around her, pulled away, shaking her head, wiping at her eyes and cheeks.

At my confused expression, she said, “He wants to see you.”

I saw a fresh tear on her cheek, newer than the attempt to wipe her face dry with her palms, put a hand on the back of her neck, and kissed it off.  I gave her neck a reassuring squeeze, and headed back to the living room.

I pulled my shirt off the line that we’d rigged above the fire and put it on, buttoning it as I let myself collapse into a sitting position not far from Gordon’s head.

He heaved out a heavy sigh.

“Should I look back on this as you being an old friend, a brother, a fellow soldier?” I asked.

“I definitely see you as an annoying little brother.  And as an old friend and fellow soldier,” he said.  “Whatever works in the moment, I guess.”

I nodded.

“I know we weren’t as close as you and Jamie were, but are you going to fall apart on us like you did then?”

“I don’t know,” I said.  “If you’d asked me thirty minutes before we lost Jamie, I would’ve said that I was expecting to be the strong, prepared one, while the rest of you went to pieces.”

“What we talked about back in Brechwell, how Helen said you were trying to fill the gap Jamie left?  Don’t try doing that with any gap I leave, okay?”

“But I’m liquid, don’t you know?  I naturally fill a perceived void.  Wise young man once told me that.”

“Seriously, Sy,” he said.  “You’re really bad in a fight.  You’ll get killed.”

“I’ll be careful,” I said.

“That sounds a lot to me like you’re dodging a straight answer.  In fact, it sounds a lot like you’re planning on trying it.”

“I don’t know,” I said.  “I feel like I don’t know much of anything right now.  I’m going to miss the heck out of you.  Everyone is.”

“Make sure Lillian drinks something.  She’s going to cry herself straight into a hangover without touching a drop of alcohol.”

“Will do.”

“You take care of that girl, Sy.  Do right by her.”

“Of course,” I said, a little offended.

Seriously.  She’s a sweetheart and I’m worried we’ve done enough damage to her already.  If you do anything when you’re thinking of me, after I’m gone… think about her.”

I felt a moment of alarm.  “You’re not sweet on her, are you?”

He shook his head.

I looked at the fire, lurched to my feet, walked over to the stack of logs off to one side, and placed one in the center.

Again, I collapsed more than simply sat, settling into a sitting position.

“You and Lillian are the ones who need the most looking after,” Gordon said.

“Ashton too, at least.”

“Maybe right now.  But I don’t think your long-term recall is good enough to remember how fast Helen adapted.  Ashton will surprise you the next time you see him, I think.”

I frowned.

“You and Lillian are the ones who’re most fragile in the end.  I’m so glad that you’re both enjoying the relationship for what it is, and I’m so terrified about it too.  I want to give you a list of instructions or make you make promises to me, but I don’t think you’d keep them.  You’d want to, but you’re you and you-”

He stopped, drew a deep breath, and resumed.

“-You’ll do what you do.  It took me a while to understand that.  So I’m only asking you, do right by her.”

I nodded.

“And forgive Jamie.”

“Forgive?” I asked.  Then I shook my head.  “Yeah.  I’m trying.”

“Good,” he said.

He stopped there, seemingly focused on deep breathing.

“And Mary?”

“What about Mary?”

“Favors?  Requests?  Are you going to run down the Lambs and tell me how to deal with each of them, or…?”

“No, Sy.  Like I said, I’m looking after you and Lillian.  You forgiving Jamie is for you.  I told Lillian to tell Mary some stuff, and I’ll have Jamie pass on a more complete message.  He’ll remember it.”

I nodded.

“I asked Lillian to talk to Shipman, too.  I think it’s better that it’s her instead of Jamie.  She’ll know where to find Shipman and it’ll come across with more emotion.  I’m definitely not asking you.  God, I swear, the look on your face every time she came up-”

I laughed, one note.

“Probably in the top ten best things about seeing her, finally getting your goat, instead of the other way around.”

“You always were as big a bastard as I was, deep down inside.  You just hid it better.”

He smiled.  “Reminds me.  If you want me to  leave you tasks, important things to cover… look after the mice in the Shims?  I’ve been paying regular visits.  You’ll have to take over.  Say hi, make sure they don’t need anything.  Let them know I’m gone.”

“Okay, Gordon.”

“We had good times back then, learning the techniques and tricks, me learning to throw a punch, you mostly paying good money to the same guys, only to get your ass beat.  Learning cuss words.”


“Survive tonight and tomorrow, Sy?  Please?  Don’t burn the bridges so badly you can’t go back and let the mice know how it ended?”

“I’m not sure the bridges aren’t completely burned, already Gordon.  It’s a tall order as it stands.”

“You can do it,” he said, while lifting a hand out from under the blankets, and he punched me in the knee.  It was so feeble as punches went, to the point that I wanted to laugh and start crying at the same time.

He seemed to have the same realization as his eyes fixated on his hand, which now lay across the floor.  “I think you’d better get Jamie so I can wrap this up.”

I nodded.  I pulled myself to my feet and straightened.  I remained there, standing over him as he lay across the floor, covered in blankets, lit by the fire that shone through the grate.  I bent down and fixed his hand, putting it back under the blanket.

“Bye, Gordon.”

“Bye Sy.  Give ’em hell, alright?”

I nodded.

I turned my back and headed back to the kitchen.  I didn’t break stride as I gestured at Jamie, then wrapped my arms around Lillian, burying my face against her hair.  I inadvertently did it with the side that had the wounded eye, but after the first moment the pain wasn’t too bad.

We stayed like that for what felt like an hour, hugging, sometimes rocking back and forth.  I swore once or twice, and she gave me one syllable responses.  She said something almost incoherent about her parents and I gave a one syllable response.

I only broke away from the hug when I realized I couldn’t swallow past the lump in my throat.  I stepped away and found two glasses, and filled them from the sink.  I had to fill them with brown, brackish water twice before the tap water started running clear.

Lillian and I drank.  She gave her glass, I filled it again, and she drank half of it, handing it back to me.  I finished it.

“Jamie’s been in there a while,” Lillian whispered.

“Etching last messages and last instructions into the stone tablet,” I said.

“Of course,” she said.

Gordon’s voice had been getting quieter and quieter, and it wasn’t because he was trying to keep the conversation private.

I took a step to the side and peeked into the room.  I was glad to see that Hubris was back, lying at Gordon’s side, chin on Gordon’s chest.

At some point Jamie had put Gordon’s hand on the dog’s back.  The fingers moved very little, but they did move.  Gordon’s lips moved, but I didn’t even hear the murmur.  I heard Jamie’s murmurs, but that was all.

Lillian moved closer to me, effectively pinning me into position, her head tilted and pressed against mine as she watched.

Time passed like that before Jamie finished memorizing a last few sets of instructions, twisted around, and gestured at us.

We gathered around, Lillian kneeling where she could hold Gordon’s free hand.

“I remember when we first met,” Lillian said.  “And Helen was so scary, and Sy was an absolute bastard, the very first time I saw him, he held the door open for me, and then let it swing closed, and it almost hit me in the nose, except I moved in time and it hit my forehead instead.  I had a bruise for a while.”

I did that?

“And I was so terrified that I’d signed on for something nightmarish, and then you talked to me, and you were nice, and you made everything make sense.  And for a little while there, you were my hero, Gordon,” she said.

“Then, a month later, I watched you take a heated scalpel and you fought a person twice your size with it, and you won, and then you branded his face while Helen held him.  Sy was the one who told me why he deserved it, and I understood.  It wasn’t pretty, but that was the moment I first thought I could see this job through to the end.  It feels weird thanking you for that, because it’s not that nice a thing, but it was important,” she whispered.

“I remember you playing with the younger kids at Lambsbridge, and they were so fond of you.  At Mothmont you made friends so easily, and I was a little jealous, but it mostly grew my respect for you.  You’ve always shone, Gordon.  You’ve-”

At Gordon’s chest, Hubris sighed.

“Yeah,” Lillian said.

There was a long moment of silence.

I put my hand on Gordon’s forehead, and pushed the hair further back out of his face.

He’d said ‘god’ and ‘goddamn’ and ‘hell’ more times tonight than I’d heard from him ever, which was about four times.  I hoped he’d found his way.

I spoke, “I know it’s rude to the people who own the house, but I think we should burn it on our way out.”

Jamie nodded.  He had a handkerchief out, under the guise of cleaning his glasses, but I noted it was going to his eyes more than not.

When Lillian looked up at me, I elaborated, “I don’t want anyone getting his body, not to make a stitched or for anything else.  And we need to cover our trail.”

“Okay,” Lillian said.  She was focusing on packing up her things, putting them away in her medical bag.

I reached out to touch her hand, and she startled.

I gave her hand a squeeze, and she made a face, like she was going to start crying again.  She shook her head, instead, and reached up to wipe a lone tear from my cheekbone with her thumb.

“We need to work,” she said.  “There’s a job to do, and things out there are going to get worse.”

“Are you trying to convince us, or to convince yourself?” Jamie asked.

“Myself,” Lillian said.  “I can’t visualize myself standing up and walking out there, feeling like this.”

“Then let’s start with something easier, that doesn’t involve stepping outside.  I need a dose of the Wyvern formula.  A partial one, maybe.  Enough to give me an edge again.  I was fuzzy around the edges before Gordon.  Right now?  I… I’m more in the same boat with you than you might realize.”

She put stuff away for another few moments before she found a long metal case.  She popped it open.

Two syringes and a bottle, nestled in.  The fluid caught the firelight and looked green.

She stared down at it, putting a hand on top of it.  Hesitation?


I waited for the question.

“If I gave you a partial dose-” she started.

“Yes,” I said, cutting her off.  “If you really wanted.”

“I’m- I can?”

“Yes.  It sucks more than you would believe, even with the smaller dose you’d be taking.  You’ll struggle at first, but I’m not going to say no, Lillian.”

She looked at Jamie, as if to double check.

“I don’t know,” Jamie said.  “That’s not me saying no, or expressing doubts.  That’s me saying I don’t know enough about wyvern or about what it’s like.  You’d have to trust Sylvester.”

Lillian nodded.

“With this heartache I’m feeling, will it make the pain go away?” she asked.

“If anything, it’ll make the pain sharper,” I said.  “It’ll leave an impression.  But it’ll be easier to set the pain to one side, where it can hurt all it’s going to, while you focus on what you need to focus on.”

She stared down at the tin, then looked at Gordon and Hubris.

“Perfect,” she said.

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71 thoughts on “Counting Sheep – 9.5

  1. Awesome. I can’t wait to see God mode lillian. Everyone responds to Wyvern differently, and I feel an inkling that lillian has been holding herself back in the genius “magic bullet” category that might just win this battle.

      • “Counting Sheep” gets rid of a menacing undertone with Gordon’s death, to get yet another menacing undertone – “Did you count how many Lambs are Wyverns”?

        The Wyvern doesn’t just make your smarter, or doesn’t make you smarter at all, perhaps. It lets you reallocate brain points. Fray put her into long-term planning; a Strategist, like the Countess. Sy mostly put his into social manipulation and cunning immediate plans: a Tactician, like the Queen Administrator. So what will Lillian roll?

        My take: She’s a field medic, and she’s setting out to kill experiments. She’ll roll a Tinker, for finding critical, crippling vulnerabilities somewhere in the engineered meat that others built. Other Adademy scientists are builders; Lillian could be a Destroyer.

        That would also be *very* handy if the Crown army fails to contain the primordials.

        • Or she could reset her points in another way that she’d feel compatible with her goals. She can bounce anywhere. Only thing that I feel confident about – that would be f*ked up. I wouldn’t be suprised if chooses to turn to heavy augmentations to insert more hands and tools and chemicals to have ability to make operations over herself – could be a warped mirror of primordials – they change themselves by luck – but she could change herself with design in mind. Also she could become more capable to revive her friends… she couldn’t save Gordon because there was no proper medicines and tools – that can affect her path. And that is not the only path to choose from. She could specialise in changes – alterations (but that would be so bonesaw-ish). Or she could be interested in not Destroying something – but taking that under her Control. It can unfold anyway. Only this thing is certain: now she is just looking to take pain under control and make the job done. No matter how, with as much Lamb casualities as possible.

          By the way – ‘Counting Sheep’ doesn’t mean that there would be only one sheep to die. Don’t be too relived just yet.

          • I thought lots of Academy students took the wyvern drug? And in low quantities/short term or basically is just an IQ boost. That seems more like what Lillian will get out of it.

          • Fray shooting Wyvern was one of the reasons for her conflict with the Academy once they found out. IIRC the drug wasn’t approved yet (Sy is the final testing before widespread release) – so it was against the rules to shoot it because that robbed Academy of control (and not because the Academy finds it morally bad). And, now, the Academy likes being in control.

          • @cogitothala:
            That probably was the case in the preview snippet, Boil, where the student body was universally and openly (ab)using Ox from very young ages to stay sharp. Boil!Gene had a massive handicap from that.

            Ironically, not so much in complete Twigverse, where she’s the only adult running on the equivalent.

    • I’m not so sure about Lillian taking the Wyvern Formula here, Sy sounds way too much like a drug dealer, “The first hit is always free.”/”The first hit will free you from pain.”

      • Lillian reached that conclusion on her own. Sy actually said the opposite of that.
        The first hit is incredibly painful, much like all the hits after it.

        • And what’s more, the first hit will amplify the pain you are already feeling. It’ll make it easier to compartmentalize, but it’ll get much worse.

        • Plus, Lillian knows Sy for several years at this point. She knows what the appointments do to him. I don’t think Sy would be able to mislead Lillian about the formula or any known side effects at this point. It’s her choice.
          On a different note, it might be her only hit. Sy is constantly on Wyvern and even he didn’t get withdrawal when he ran away from the academy at one point (flashback scene, happened before the actual plot of Twig; don’t ask me which arc/chapter this was… <,<). Only reason Sy went back and took Wyvern again was that he couldn't stand being "stupid". Being human wasn't enough for him. If Lillian is willing to be "plain ol' Lil'" again after this situation is dealt with, she might be able to do it.
          On the other hand… The story probably won't slow down, meaning she might not get the chance to "come down" again, because shit keeps hitting the fan. Possibly literally.

  2. Oh my…

    Not sure I like where this is going. Poor Lillian. That is not a good situation to be field testing… well, it’s not a good situation in general, so, I guess there’s that.

    Also, Sad times. T__T

  3. This serial has succeeded incredibly in the “after every update, eager for the next one” department and it really seems to be picking up pace. I don’t expect it to hold this pace forever but… it’s really quite an amazing pace.

  4. Gordon was awesome. Maybe he couldn’t stretch wings as far as he felt he had a potential to, but otherwise he was burning bright through the uncaring world. He was awesome, he was hero, and at the same time he was bastard (but he was good at hiding it). And he had friends whom he cared of and who cared about him.

    This fire can die out but somewhere in the world others can blossom right now.

  5. I will really miss Gordon. I’m not sure what this does to the dynamic of the Lambs overall. I always felt like Gordon was the only one who was really a peer of Sylvester in the group – the only one who Sy didn’t manage, and could be counted on to create his own solutions and plans on the macro and micro scale without Sy setting the pace.

    Without Gordon, I feel like Sylvester is stretched to the breaking point having to lead the Lambs all the time. Perhaps the new incarnation of Jamie and Lillian will step up more.

    • I agree with your analysis of the dynamic. Sy is essentially paternal towards all the other lambs (except Jamie). But he regularly gave and got shit from Gordon and it seemed like he really really relied on that. Also, Gordon tended to be the other leader- none of the other lambs have ever been an alternative to Sy leading the way, but Gordon has. Sy could rely on Gordon calling him out or refusing to go along with him in a way I don’t feel he can with the others.

      • Certainly Gordon did that most consistently but he was not the only one. Lillian at Brechwell springs to mind and Old!Jamie also occasionally put his foot down. I think that increasingly we’re going to see Lillian come into her own as a foil to Sy as she’s more cautious than him and her expertise allows her to approach things from different angles.

  6. Well… That notion about Sy naturally filling perceived voids makes me think… He might become the ultimate ‘tribute’ to the late lambs… and therefore, as they go one by one, Sy will get closer to become a jack of all trades just like Gordon…

    Which brings me to my next point. Gordon. A human with every aspect of humanity cranked up to a 10.5 at minimum. Heroism, being a bastard, being both at the same time and being likeable because and despite that, being deceptive, being mortal. Being so many different and contradicting things all at once, in body and mind. And also being unable to bring his full potential to bear. That, too, is something humanity seems to do constantly. So here’s to you, Gordon. Later, buddy.

    *suggests a scene where the remaining Lambs ruin a noble’s carpet with wine from a libation for their fallen ones*

    • Problem with your idea is that Sy only has so many points he can assign to each stat. He can become more like Gordon at the expense of becoming less than Sy. He can become more like Mary at the expense of becoming less like Gordon.

    • And assuming he doesn’t do it anyway because Wildbows main characters have a tendency to do stuff that’s… well… Not always (mentally) healthy. ^^’
      Other that that you’re right, Zim, it might be a slippery road with no turning points…

    • *sigh*
      Yeah. That’s a good description. I don’t know if it’s true, but it’s really poetic.
      As an aside, I’d say Air does fit Helen, if you think of it at large scales. Powerful, difficult to move, with its own motives that are still quite understandable when you get to know them. (And then I thought of the constant rain, and realized that the Academy created both.)
      Lillian is (or was) the sapling, a young thing, still easily shaped. And if it lasts to adulthood, the longest lived Lamb, and the only one that can bear it’s own fruit.
      I wonder what Ashton will be.

  7. Random thought: the Mantis Twins might well be able to smell the use of Wyvren, but will they be able to work out exactly who has used it? After all, Sy would usually smell of it, and a fresh dose on him would probably be expected. Lillian might also be expected to carry some of the scent normally: she both carries meds and spends a lot of time around Sy for scent-transfer to be a thing. Would it be possible for them to misread what she’s done?

  8. Now THAT’s why I like Wildbow. How often do I actually feel something over a character passing? Never, that’s how often. Except when Wildbow does it.

    And now Team Lamb is responding to the escalation with more escalation. Fun begins now.

    Come to think of it, if the noble Twins had run into one or three of those primordials immediately after Sy and Jamie got away, wouldn’t they be in a fair bit of trouble? I’m sure they can fight well enough on their own, but their little sisters still need to recharge. Depends on how good the primordials are at fighting if they’ve never fought a day in their lives.

  9. Me? Crying? Whenever have I ever ever cried and talked about it here? Never ever!


    I don’t have much experience with people dying, but not only am I sad about Gordon’s passing, I’m angry. At least, as far as I can reasonably be about a fictional character. The fact that you won’t have someone you care for anymore is sad, but what really gets to me is that Gordon won’t get to live the life he deserves to live. He is dead and he’s the one that is hurt the most. And that makes me feel angry :< You will be missed, Gordon, by your friends and the readers.

    Lillian taking Wyvern? Now that is an entirely unexpected turn. Really. Up to this point, the story would have developed in a rather predictable fashion, but Lil is certainly going to turn things around. I like this twist very, very much.

    • Wonder what it will be of Hubris :< The poor puppy. Also wonder if the Lambs have officially cut allegiances with both crown and academy, or what. Even if they can explain off the Baron's death, they'd be suspect, and Lillian taking Wyvern is probably not gonna look good. Thing is, Lillian can't cut ties, or her family will be in danger.

      Also, isn't Wyvern poisonous… I wonder how Sy developed resistance to so many poisons, actually. What kind of biological (fictitious) mechanism is at work.

      • Hubris might be one reason Lillian has gone for this, you know. That hound needs somebody to run with, and not just physically. Sy… is out of the question, for several obvious reasons. Jaime won’t know when he’ll blank-slate on him… even though she’d be great, Mary is due for cancer… and Helen and Ashton… nope. Nooooo. Nope. 😛

        • In short: Lillian has several reasons why she needs to get out of this alive by any means she can think of. And, boosting what she can think of is certainly a fairly immediate thing she can do vs trying any other survive-the-augmented-killing-machines alterations she could do.

          If those girls have a design flaw, I think Lil’ is aiming to find it and stick needles into it. :/

      • Wyvern is poisonous alright, Sy got resistant by taking small dosages early on and carefully increasing them over the years. Basically what Lillian is going to do, if you take into account that she’s taking half a dose at maximum. And she might even decide to abandon the formula afterwards, so the poison might not prove to be that much of an issue… She will, however, pay for that one boost in agony, as Sy put it.

  10. I’m not sure taking Wyvern is a good idea for Lilian, her forte is Knowlege. Her memories, her studies, will abandon her. (When has Lil had time to study?)

    • I’m not sure that’s true. If it were, after all, Frey wouldn’t have been taking it to get an advantage when she was trying to become a professor. I think that you can choose what your trade-offs are to an extent; not everyone who uses it suffers from Sy’s level of general memory loss. So you can use it to become really good at learning and retaining medical knowledge in exchange for losing something else.

  11. I don’t know what this says about Wildbow’s writing (lies, I totally do) but I did not find this sad. It was a relief, actually – we knew all along Gordon was dying, but he died in a (relatively) peaceful fashion and actually got to have last words and a proper parting.

    I’m not sure a single other wildbow character has been that lucky.

    • That’s actually what I felt too. While there may be some inherent sadness it isn’t really painful in seeing someone die you already knew he was going to die soon. It’s more the bleak knowledge of the inevitable happening.

      That reminds me of the death of my grandfather. And now it right spiraled back into sad…

  12. And does it strike anyone else that this way, maybe, Lillian and Sy can have some parity? Otherwise she’d always be at a lower power level, as it were for social interactions.

    • In many ways, I think the lack of parity is built into Sy’s and Lillian’s relationship. We see it all the time when they interact, or when Sy thinks about Lillian. He’s got the “upperhand”, for lack of a better word, and they both know it. All he can really do is make a conscious effort to not be the “abusive husband”, and all she can do is let trust that he’s not being manipulative, or that when he’s being a bastard it’s for her benefit.

      That’s obviously not all that there is to their relationship, but it’s a significant aspect of it. I suspect parity on the level you’re talking about would throw a wrench in their current dynamic, and they’d.have to find a new way to be. Or not “be” at all.

  13. I wonder if the Baron told the Duke to go after the Lambs as a subtle way of executing the Duke, because the Baron knows how dangerous the Lambs really are and the Duke doesn’t.

      • Ah yes, duke outranks baron. I wonder if the Duke told the Baron to go after the Lambs as a subtle way of executing the Baron, because the Duke knows how dangerous the Lambs really are and the Baron doesn’t.

        • The Duke has seen a planned attack on other nobility. Likely planners of such an attack include other nobility. Therefore the Duke, being foresighted, is in need of such a team on his own. If he tried to develop one internal to his power structure, there are too many ways it could leak, and even a Duke can go down if mobbed by other nobility. So he needs a deniable, expendable team that can do the job. Enter the Lambs. The Duke sets them up against the Baron and his sisters. If the Lambs win, the Duke has his team, along with a hold over them. If the Lambs lose, the Duke has lost little.

          All IMO based on current evidence.

  14. Random thought: Is Baron Richmond the Baron *of* Richmond, which in our timeline is the capital of the State of Virginia? If he is, does he speak with a Southern accent? 😉

  15. If Wildbow is “on plan” this was supposed to be about the same length as Pact, which was 16 arcs. So we should be a bit more than half done, but still plenty of room for the Lambs to become something new…which seems to be in progress. Enemy of the Crown (beyond the immediate crisis)? If not that…I really cant envision where else this is going.

    • I consider it a testament to the quality of this story that I haven’t felt the need to play the progress bar at all, like I distinctly recall doing on numerous occasions with Pact.

    • I’ve been waiting for them to go rogue for, like, 4 arcs now. I’m honestly surprised they’ve remained loyal this long. I’d have jumped ship the second the nobles started showing up.

  16. Belated typo thread: Sy has one eye, so “I had tears in my eyes” is no longer correct. Or, at least, it’s inconsistent with “He met my eye…”

    • Not so: for starters, lachrimal gland/duct/etc damage is not particularly unheard of when someone has stabbed you in the eye with a sword. But even granting intact tear production, Sy has tears on both sides of his face, but he still only has one eye to have tears in. A large penetrating eye wound is still going to be leaking vitreous humor, blood, and/or tears (and the eye is likely closed), so any additional tears will simply flow down his face (which is not the same thing as filling his ruined eye, the sentence specifically contrasts it to weeping). Moreover, if the eye is really “collapsed”, there might not even be the right structure for his injured eye to have tears in it in the normal way.

      Alternatively, from Sy’s inner monologue perspective, having a weeping eye wound certainly does not feel like the normal tears-in-eye experience. It doesn’t look like it, either, even if he could open the eye and see out of it. Nor does Sy have any trouble adjusting his language to the new situation – see the “met my eye” sentence, or a couple chapters ago “my eye went to his boot”.

  17. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  18. So, if Mary is Steel, does that make Lillian Soul or Spirit? Probably not Wood… Oh well. Gordon might have told Jamie his opinion, but chances are slim on it coming up. Great chapter, poor Hubris.

    • Hmm… Actually, if she really wanted to know, even just as something to talk about as a momentary distraction, she had ample time to ask Gordon directly while they were together offscreen…

  19. I… cried, as I finished and processed that. Wildbow, you’re really good at killing characters. (As long as they’re our hero’s teammates, that is.)

    (The following is my coping method that vaguely resembles poetry.)
    Hmm. A Griffon Passes Into Myth. Bye, Gordon. In another world, you’d have been a king. And not a bad one, if I’m any judge.

  20. Damn. Wow. Damn. This hit hard in all the right places and I just… damn. You’re killing me over here. I read through all of Worm and up to here of Twig without ever leaving a comment, but if this chapter doesn’t deserve one, I’m not sure what will. It feels like I’m in an abusive relationship with your work – I love it and it huts me and I can’t stop coming back for more.

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